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Showing posts from June, 2018

The First Week

Hey everyone, it’s been a while since I posted so I guess I’m due. On June 1st, I flew home from Saipan to help my parents with the long awaited and much dreaded move from my childhood home to the forests of Arkansas. Being home has been a great time but I strangely found myself wanting to go back to what I now call home. I thought I was home, but as it turns out my brain seems to think that Saipan is my home now. Strange… Anyways the move was filled with many fun things, some not so fun things, lots of Taco Bell (yes, it is much better in the states) and God answering our prayers even though I had less than perfect faith. So, I will start with Wednesday when the move officially started. Or at least when it was supposed to start... Wednesday Wednesday the 13th of whatever month this is, (who keeps track on vacation) was the day we were to pick up our moving truck, a 26’ Budget truck. We dropped my dad off to pick it up and went to cancel our internet (may she rest in peace,