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Showing posts from October, 2018

Saipan Update

Well I guess its been a while since I posted, I just get busy with not posting I just forget that I have a website. Well last I checked I posted about my Summer vacation so there is a lot to cover. I will try to be as concise as possible. I got back to the island and was put straight back to work, there was lots to do but it was one of those situations of “where do I start” So I am ashamed to admit that not as much got done as could have. But nevertheless, things did get done. iPads were a big one that got figured out We had a big issue with students downloading images and changing settings and doing things that they are not supposed to. Well thanks to the locked down nature of Apple devices and the software they create to make things even more locked down, students can’t do anything we don’t want them to anymore. You should have seen the look on the kids faces the first time I locked an iPad on him when he was supposed to be doing something else. Kid: “Mr. Jon!!! My iPad locked!

He's coming back.