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Showing posts from February, 2019

2019 Update

Well it's been a few months so I guess its time for another update. Sure glad I got rid of that expensive WordPress account, since I clearly do not have to motivation to post regularly. A lot has happened since the typhoon. But the big news I will put at the beginning for those of you who like to only read the first few sentences. Most of you know that I signed a two year contract to work in Saipan. And you may know that this June the 2 years are up. I had plans to come back to the states most likely Tennessee, find a job, buy some land, or a house, and start my life. Back in December, Shortly after I had decided I would NOT be staying in Saipan for a third year I got a call. It was from the president the GMM. They had been after me to come work for them but I told them I had to finish my contract with Saipan first. Many months had gone by and I hadn’t heard from them so I figured the position had been filled. Well turns out they had not filled the position and they wanted me