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Showing posts from October, 2017

Adventures from Sunday

Well I wanted to post this on Sunday while everything was fresh in my mind... but clearly that didn't happen. This time instead of writing from my awesome apartment I'm posting from a place called Mango 6. Its kinda a drink and food place, and yes they do server mangos. I originally came here to study. (wow never thought I'd say that again... or Ever...) I'm currently studying IT stuff, Networking to be specific, so I can try to get a job in the IT field when I return the the wonderful United States. The weekend was mostly uneventful. We had pathfinders on Sabbath and i taught the First Aid honor. The kids didn't seem interested but I don't really blame them. That's not their most interesting honor. The kids want the Video Gaming honor. Maybe we can create that one for them. Saturday night we went to a Chinese restaurant. The food was decent but they took forever bringing it out. Sunday, I slept in. I think the longest I have slept in since I have been here.

Sunday Adventure, and an Update

Wow has it been a while since i posted one of these. When I first got here I expected that I would post once or twice a week. I think the last thing I posted was about a month ago. I don't if I can remember everything that happened, but here are the highlights. I got the maintenance shed (shipping container) all cleaned out and fixed up. Before there was no walking room. I put in a wall, to divide the maintenance from the ground added electricity and lights so you could actually see what you were doing, and yes the all important air conditioner. Still running out of space to put things though. I had a birthday on the island, I tried to keep it quiet but my mom spilled the beans in a very nice Facebook post. All in all it was good though, went to work then came home and made myself some Mexican food, which was pretty good. Last week on Wednesday morning I woke up long enough to see my power go out. This worried me because last time my power was out it took them  two weeks  to turn i