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Cooking in Saipan

Everyone thinks that their mom is the best cook. But they are all wrong. Its true. My mom is literally the best cook. Except for maybe when she cooks quinoa, I can live without that. But seriously she really knows her way around the kitchen. Especially Mexican Food. She must have some Mexican ancestors. Those of you who have known me for longer than 5 minutes know that I love Taco Bell, and if you have been reading my blog you know that my first month here I ate at Taco Bell for virtually every meal. But all that changed when I realized I couldn't afford 15 dollars a day for food at Taco Bell so after I got settled I started cooking for myself. And its largely thanks to my mom that I am able to do that.

Now I have always been able to cook. As far back as I can remember I have been able to pop a frozen burrito in the microwave and have it come out near perfect. Its a skill that is hard to find these days. As time went on I needed to learn to cook more complicated dishes. Like pastas, enchiladas, casseroles, etc. Those of you who know my Dad know that he wont go 1/4 mile away from home without a bag of candy and I guess I inherited his sweet tooth. Especially cookies. I could eat cookies all day and all night until I get sick and my mom would say "I wonder why!?!?!" After my sister made a cake that had 12 eggs in it, yes 12 that was not a typo (she was young we can forgive her) and my mom refused to let me eat 20 cookies a day by making a fresh batch daily,  I realized I needed to learn how to bake in addition to cooking and the Pathfinder Honors only took me so far. So I started to teach myself and get a few helpful hints from my mom the master chef (take a seat Gordon Ramsay, your time is over) and I was able to make some great tasting treats and meals.

Since I started cooking for myself, spoiler its mostly haystacks and burritos, I have wanted to try to recreate some of my moms best dishes. I am realizing that I'm probably not the best student. If only I had listened closer... The meals I attempt somehow never turn out quite as good as what my mom would cook. Don't get me wrong, they are perfectly eatable just not quite the same. Now it could be different ingredients. It could be my measurements aren't quite right. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. But I think its because mothers cook with love and I can't for the life of me find love at any of the stores here in Saipan. Maybe Amazon has it.

Anyway I decided to try her cookie recipe. It's such a large recipe I had to cut it in half and I still have to many. But hopefully they turn out okay. I just got to say boy do I miss that KitchenAid. I had to stir with a wooden spoon like something out of Little House on the Prairie.IMG_20170825_210108

I really do enjoy cooking for myself. Its nice to cook what I want to eat when I want to eat it. I do need to get my hands on some of that motherly love to add to my food to give it that flavor I just can't seem to get though. That's all for now. To those of you who still get to enjoy your moms cooking take it all in while you can, and unless its quinoa, something with wheat germ, or something overly healthy,  come on kale is gross, don't complain. And Mom thanks for always cooking for me and teaching me how to cook for myself. And Dad thanks for teaching me to burn stuff so I know what NOT to do. Those lessons are very important too. Also if anyone has any recipes that you think I might enjoy please send them to me. I would enjoy trying to make something other than Burritos, and Tacos. Once in a while.


  1. Hi Jon,
    I make a triple batch of cookies at a time. I bake one maybe two sheets at a time and freeze the rest. That way you can bake a fresh sheet whenever you want. I do have a Bosch for mixing.

  2. Norm and I really enjoy reading your posts! You are a great writer. We are glad things seem to be going better for you. Your cookies look great! We miss you around here and think of you often. Happy Sabbath!

  3. Those cookies look great :) you should have baked for home group.. Now its out, no turning back, I can't wait to taste something you have made :)


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