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Month One

Its been a while since my last post. Mostly due to the fact that I was really busy with the remodel but also just a little bit of laziness. Hey I'm tired at the end of a 12 hour work day, don't judge. Today marks exactly one month since I landed in Saipan to start a new job, a new home, new everything. At first I was not doing well. There were days when I wanted to turn around and go home. Of course I could probably just keep going the same direction and make it home just the same. It was tough at first, but I'm slowly getting use to it. I watched a movie last weekend that really made me see mission work differently (and appreciate what I have here all the more.) Its called "The Other Side of Heaven" Its about a Mormon missionary, the Mormons make a lot of movie, who gets sent to Tonga, It took him roughly 83 days to get to the place he served. When he gets there he doesn't know the language, He has to wait weeks at a time to hear back from his girl back home (I guess there was no internet in the 1950's, who knew) It was just an all around difficult situation. But he stayed focused on why he had gone there Very good movie highly recommend it to anyone. Thanks Maria for recommending it to me.

The Remodel

The first task I was given when I got here was to remodel a 3 bedroom apartment for the new Student missionaries. Most of you reading already know that my task was to fix the moldy sheet rock, add a 4th bedroom, and install a downstairs shower. What a great experience that was. I had helped out and worked on parts of projects like this in the past, but this was the first time to put everything into practice and build everything. I learned a lot on this project, first and foremost was to keep trusting God no matter what. I also learned to trust myself more, to have confidence in my abilities. There were times, quite a few where I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I was. Back home I had a safety net of seasoned veterans like my Dad or Jim, who could help me when i ran into trouble. Out here there is no one else, and besides a few calls to my dad for a tip here and there I was able to solve all the issues myself. It was a great learning experience, I think I'm ready to build a house now. (Okay maybe one or two more remodels first.)

[gallery ids="808,806,807,805,802,767,764,765" type="slideshow"]

My New Apartment

I moved into my new apartment on Wednesday. Its really nice, its a two bedroom, or for me one bedroom one tool room. I really hope I get to stay here a long time. Its a very nice layout and is the perfect amount of space for me. I guess the kitchen could be bigger. I got internet hooked up in my new place this week, Didn't waste any time with that, and I must say it is worth every cent. From what I had before, its like going from dial up to high speed. I have had no loss since and I have been able to upload all my photos to my blog and write this post without any drops in service. All in all this is going to be a great place for the next few months, (hopefully longer)

[caption id="attachment_768" align="alignright" width="715"]IMG_20170804_165832 Kitchen[/caption]



[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignright" width="677"]IMG_20170804_165643 My 80 inch flatscreen, no 4k :([/caption]






When shopping for stuff for my place I realized how insane the shopping here is but I think it qualifies its own post so more on that later. Until then God Bless and have a good weekend.



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